2008年8月14日 星期四


Ai mo mo bombarded olympic ceremony,and said Zhang yi-moe is a man with no soul

So called direct telecast were being faked in many places,the real singer was another girl,the firework and foot-steps were computer animated.CCTV,being a TV station station doing direct telecast,colluded with olympic artistic planning group,bully and deceive the world,bully and deceive all the audience.


Usually,in China all the events are well planned in advance.The government’s long tested strategy and it’s political formula,resulting in :to cover up ,to conceal and to block all the things that seem undesirable,and end up achieving the most stupid and foolish result.

“张艺谋” 我觉得,他既不是媚俗,也不是媚权,他就是一个投机者,一个完全没有灵魂的人。完全不懂得什么叫是非,什么叫最基本的艺术职业工作者对艺术的尊重,和对人的基本品质、伦理道德的尊重。他崇尚权力,做着一些令人作呕的事情。

“On Zhang yi-moe”What I feel,he is neither bad taste,nor boot licking,he is a opportunist,a person completely without soul.Completely cannot tell right from wrong,a professional artist’s basic respect towards art,he has none,the respect towards human being’s fundamental quality,towards morals and human relationship,he has none.He worship authority and power,doing things that causing people to vomit.


Chan pueo-kung:It’s CCP’s olympic,not chinese people’s olympic

On the night of olympic openning ceremony,Beijing main streets were strangely in deep silence,in absolute contrast to the fanatic atmosphere of carnival inside the Bird’s Nest.When olympic were held in other nations,the staging cities were full of people,noisy and strong emotion,and near crazy celebration.Beijing?Wow,the police and the military had set up 4 lines of blockade,and kept ordinary folks outsde.Beijing has become unapproachable.

京奥开幕前夕,媒体曾报道有民众在北京”漏夜排队”、”抢购奥运门票”。北京居民披露:所谓”漏夜排队”,不过是当局筛选和安排的人马,都是”群众演员 ”,没有门路的普通民众,都被警方”巧妙地”排除在队列之外。有道是:没有军队和警察,中共一天也活不下去。如今,又可谓:没有演员和道具,中共一天也活 不下去。

On the eve of olympic opening ceremony,media had reported that folks in Beijing formed “long line of overnight queue” “rushing to buy up olympic tickets”.Beijing folks revealed:So called “long line of overnight queue”,nothing but those actors picked and arranged by the government,the real folks were “cleverly”kept out of the queue.Some one had said:CCP cannot last one day without military and police.Today,it can be said,CCP cannot last one day without actors and props.


Official had declared:7 millions plus of tickets all sold,well,when the game actually started,all the venues have massive numbers of empty seats!Looking at these amazing and strange scenes,everybody will understand:In order to have a so called” safe “olympic,it is better to let 50% of the seats empty!To compare with the previous Athens Olympic’s 94% filled seats,Beijing Olympic,had made another olympic record:the record of empty seats!

Beijing olimpic opening ceremony,is the whole reflection of CHINA’s problems:empty and fake,corruption,dictatorship.Ugly gossips everywhere,losing face in front of outsiders.No wonder,even the original designer of Bird’s Nest Ai wei-wei(son of red poet Ai Chin) refused to attend the opening ceremony,reasons?CCP rules China near 60 years,China remains a absolute authority state,he is ashamed to be an associate of CCP.