2008年8月22日 星期五

Ali baba on GVO 4 刀客之歌(原《游击队之歌》改编)

  1. ali baba:

    选录天涯社区 天涯杂谈 网友呼吁给杨佳寡母捐款的帖子,我谨照录如下:

    On http://www.tianya.cn,bbs named 天涯杂谈 ,there are many netizens support Yang Jia,calling for donation for Yang Jia mother.Below are a few of them:


    Lets give some money to hero Yang Jia’s mother !


    The fact is,Yang Jia did kill some cops,but he KILLED for US,everyone of us! His rage,fury,and indignation actually are all very common to us!


    Under birth planning and control,every family can only have one child! A solitude seedling ! What enormous courage he needed to command !What absolute hopeless situation he was forced into,in order for him to execute such an extreme deeds !


    In this terriblely corrupted society,every person can possiblely become a Yang Jia, we have not exploded yet,may be it is because we have not being forced into the road of no return !


    Lets hope this Yang Jia case would let the government start fresh to show some respect for ordinay folks ! Insignificant folks can infact change history.


    Yang Jia you have a good journey to heaven, you did the wicked thing for us,just like Soon Tse-gan who die for all of us.


    Years ago He Long and Pang De-why (note: this 2 revolutionaries were Mao’s comrades) were praised as heros,and was revolution when they killed bad officials using 2 chopping knifes .Ordinary folk sacrifice oneself in order to wake up others,to protest against injustice, is to be respected. Not everyone has this kind of courage.Lets salute to Yang Jia!

    Kungfu Panda says: There are thousands and thousands of netizens showing support towards Yang Jia,even on http://www.people.com.cn ,the official CCP web site,its bbs 强国论坛 ,translate strong nation forum.

  2. ali baba:

    作者:遥远的净土 回复日期:2008-7-21 3:44:37 
    This post is one that I copy n paste from http://www.kdnet.com.cn

     游击队之歌 ,The Song of the guerrilla, is a very famous mainland chinese song in the 60s,it was a theme song in one of those revolutionary movie,millions of older mainland Chinese grew up with this song during their childhood.

    The following is an adaptation of The Song of the guerrilla.I cannot imagine someone with musical talent might turn this new adaptation into a MTV and put it on youtube. It might become an overnight heat.
    Our knifes are faster than lightning

    Every shining blade sparks one more desire

    Our blood is hot and boiling

    Spit at the high security n tall building

    In this ruthless lawless society

    Take law into our hand because nowhere to plead

    On this vast n broad motherland

    Yang knifemen are millions n millions indeed
    We all have food we all have clothes

    But no one is to step on our dignity

    No gun or no cannon

    Choppin knife can still be user to chop meat

    Harmonious society too far away

    Millions of us will sing millions songs of tragdies

    Heroic warriorrs abundant in these countries

    Lets blood stain Sung River is our destiny

ali baba: 6

奥运和杀警案 挑动京沪瑜亮情节
Olympic and police-being-slayed,stir up uneasy feelings between Beijing and Shanghai 

2008-07-14 中国时报 徐尚礼/上海报导

China Times Su Shang Le reports from Shanghai


The fact that Beijing stage olympic,and Yang Jia,being Beijing local,stabbed a numbers of Shanghai policemen to death,has again stired up uneasy feelings between Beijing and Shanghai.The swearing and cursing between netizens from these two rivaling cities has gone a bit out of hand.


On 1-July,Yang Jia,a Beijing local,went into Shanghai Jah-bei police building and stabbed six policemen to death; Shanghai police not only called Yang Jia a “outsider”,also claimed that Yang is a “queer kind of guy”.Beijing newspaper retorte that Yang “would offer his seat to others in a bus”,and many Beijing citizens are not happy that Shanghai police calling national capital’s citizen an “outsider”


Yesterday,on one mainland famous internet forum,a supposed to be from Shanghai netizen,made the accusation that Beijing’s polluted air is not suitable for olympic events.It immediately sparks a fierce volley of verbal exchange.


One Beijing netizen said:”What has Beijing Olympic got to do with you guys ? Just because it is not being staged in your home town ? A bunch of SB,you need to be stabbed by real macho men,should have stabbed a few more,the water from Huang Pu Jiang has turned you lots into brain-deaths.”


Another netizen:”Recently us Beijing men really are very proud of ourself.Hero Yang,one of us,killed six Shanghai policemen with a single blade.What a beautiful and sweet feeling of revenge.This few years,we are sick of petty and sissy Shanghai men the like of Yao Ming and Liu Xiang. I suggest full pardon for Hero Yang,and vote him into the central government.”
