You might be wrong on that,netizens on Strong Nation think otherwise.
Below are postings from Strong Nation Forum 强國 http://www.people.com.cn
其实,我预感到了刘翔临阵脱逃,只是没敢发出来~~~.果真成了现实. 相信有很多人有和我有同样的感觉~~ ( 一语论天下 08-08-18 13:39:50 ) 51字 ( 0/0/0 )
To tell the truth,I had feeling that he was going to be a deserter,just didn’t dare to say it out.It really happened like I thought.I believe many people had the same feeling like I had.
退塞可以接受,但是欺骗不能接受! ( 茉莉姐姐 08-08-18 13:40:48 ) 0字 ( 0/0/0 )
Withdraw can be accepted,but cheating cannot!
可以接受不能得到冠军,可以接受受伤不能比赛,但不可以接受被蒙骗和临阵逃脱。不能接受在场上那么显摆一下就逃掉!可以早说呀!做so吗? ( 踏上归途 08-08-18 13:38:43 ) 0字 ( 0/4/0 )
We can accept the fact that he is not going to be No.1,can accept he could not go into the competition because of injury,but we cannot accept being hoodwinked and cheated,while he deserted just before the fight.We cannot accept him deserted the field after coming to the field for a brief moment.What a cheat.
刘翔也只是个任人摆布的玩具而已 ( 中华默雷 08-08-18 13:38:18 ) 0字 ( 0/20/0 )
Liu Xiang is just a toy,to be put here and there by someone.
明知坚持不了,何必要那么多人空等一回?那叫自私! ( 踏上归途 08-08-18 13:40:57 ) 0字 ( 0/3/0 )
He knew he couldn’t go on anymore,is it necessary to have so many people waiting in vain? That is called selfishness!
如果中国人再以刘翔这种狗熊为骄傲,中国人是不是有点太傻毙了 ( 兰陵美酒 08-08-18 13:39:29 ) 0字 ( 0/1/0 )
If Chinese is still feel proud of coward like him,then Chinese are all a bit stupid.(Well, 傻毙 is a much stronger term than “stupid”)
急求答案:期待了一年的大片,忽然说胶片沾水不能放了,你是什么感觉? ( 雪夜行舟 08-08-18 13:36:38 ) 33字 ( 0/13/0 )
Tell me right now:We have waited for a whole year for this block buster,suddenly were told the film is damaged beyond repaired,how do you feel?
那个记者说:昨天晚上我得到了最后的确认,刘翔那天的成绩接近了12秒80 今天就突然撤退,会不会是因为别的问题啊 ( 二脚猫 08-08-18 13:36:20 ) 0字 ( 0/32/0 )
That reporter said:Last night I got the final confirmation,Liu Xiang”s that day’s result was approaching 12 sec 80, today he withdraws suddenly, can it be because of other problems?
刘翔还是飞人吗? ( 贫困之人 08-08-18 13:35:54 ) 54字 ( 0/5/1 )
Is Liu Xiang still the “flying man”?
# 他还飞得起来吗,他的腿已被罗伯斯吓伤了, ( 兰陵美酒 08-08-18 13:37:35 ) 0字 ( 0/1/0 )
Can he still fly?His foot injury was caused by the threat from Roberts.
ali baba:
To all you Wo Mao Dang.
Another Liu Xiang,another Yeo Ming,45 gold medals,even if China can round up all the medals,gold,silver and bronze,so what?
Would it make CHINA a modern sports nation?
Article on time.com
China’s Disposable Athletes
Tuesday, Jul. 17, 2007 By JODI XU/BEIJING
china sports athletes
When Zou Chunlan 邹春兰 left school to become a professional athlete, her recruiting coach assured the 13-year-old that the nation’s huge sports bureaucracy would look after her for the rest of her life. All she had to worry about was winning. For a decade, Zou followed his advice, winning the 48-kg national weightlifting title in 1990 when she was 19 years old and pocketing four other national championships. But when she retired in 1993, Zou discovered that the coach’s side of the bargain wasn’t going to be met. After three years of menial jobs in the women’s weightlifting team’s kitchen, she was asked to leave.
With her little education and total ignorance of the real world, Zou had little choice but to turn to physical labor. After stints carrying sacks on a construction site and selling lamb kebabs in the street, she ended up as a masseuse in a public bathhouse earning $60 a month. Her fate isn’t unusual. A weightlifting coach explained to the Beijing News that Zou wasn’t the only retired weightlifter struggling with the real world. “Zou’s national medals are worthless. There are world champions who end up jobless after retirement.”
The system that is so good at churning out Olympic medalists seems to be even better at producing poverty-stricken retired athletes. Last year, China’s national news agency Xinhua reported that almost half of 6,000 professional athletes retiring from competition each year end up jobless or without further schooling plans. Among them, the winner of the 1999 Beijing International Marathon Ai Dongmei, 26, who announced last year that she had no choice but to sell off her medals so that she could feed her family. Former Asian weightlifting champion Cai Li died of pneumonia at age 33 after he couldn’t afford to pay his medical bills. Liu Fei, a seven-time national champion and world champion in acrobatic gymnastics, struggles to live on the $20 she earned monthly from tutoring gymnastics.
According to the China Sports Daily, nearly 80% of China’s 300,000 retired athletes are struggling with joblessness, injury or poverty. Many athletes suffer from sports injuries and health problems caused by their training. Zou came out of the system with her own appalling legacy. She says the pills she was required to take made her grow a beard and develop a prominent Adam’s apple and a deep voice. “My coach told me it was a nutrition booster. I trusted him,” Zou says. The steroids also made her infertile. Now, she must shave every couple of days.
主题:世界冠军中国艾冬梅摆地摊 生活所迫冠军卖奖牌“孩子再当运动员就把她的腿打折”
ali baba:
(1) Last year, China’s national news agency Xinhua reported that almost half of 6,000 professional athletes retiring from competition each year end up jobless or without further schooling plans.
(2) According to the China Sports Daily, nearly 80% of China’s 300,000 retired athletes are struggling with joblessness, injury or poverty. Many athletes suffer from sports injuries and health problems caused by their training.
To all you Wu Mao Dang, subjectivelistener,so_damn_lame,and others,the above 2 quotes,both come from official Chinese News agencies,both are very serious problems.Why is it that all of you “Love China” bloggers never ever say anything about these 2 topics?
Is it because they have retired,they are not CHINESE anymore?
Is it because you Wu Mao Dang,are only capable of foul mouth name calling,are incapable to engage in any meaningful discussion?
《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“赵高欲为乱,恐群臣不听,乃先设验,持鹿献于 二世,曰:‘马也。’二世笑曰:‘丞相误邪?谓鹿为马。’问左右。左右或言马,以阿顺赵高;或言鹿者。高因阴中诸言鹿者以法。后群臣皆畏高。
Senior minister Zhou Gao wanted to rebel against the emperor,he set up a test for other ministers,to find out how many would supported him.He brought a deer in front of the emperor,and said:”This is a horse”.The emperor laughed:”Senior minister how wrong can you be?This is a deer,and yet you call it a horse.”
Emperor then started asking other minister’s opinions.Some ministers did not dare to offend Zhou Gao,said it is a horse.Those who said it is a deer,were all murdered by Zhou Gao one by one.
After that incident,all the ministers were afraid of Zhou Gao.
Subjectivelistener,and all those Wo Mao Dang bloggers,are modern day Zhou Gao.
Modern day 奴才.Boot-lickers.
The above blogger is from Taiwan.When I was reading it,just cannot stop laughing.
The above terms are used extensively on Chinese BBS,blogs,and forums,to substitue one nation.If you can read Chinese,you know what these terms stand for.
基里巴斯國(The Republic of Kiribati),全稱為基里巴斯人民共和國。 簡稱基國。
Date of independent:1-April.
國旗:中間為一隻烏骨雞。 這是基國的國鳥。
National flag:A black bone chicken,which is the national bird.(ali baba said:in Chinese,black and none sound the same,so it is a no-bone chicken.烏 = 无