Following are a few of the posts from
张艺谋的《满城尽带谎金甲》,已经表现出非常变态、畸形的审美取向,中国居然还让他当奥运的艺术总导! ( 笔铭非 08-08-01 12:05:34 ) 0字 ( 0/126/8 )
Zhang yi-mou's "A city full of gold armour" had made it very clear that his views and ideals on beauty and art are twisted and deformed,why China still hire him to be the chief artistic director is beyond me!
# 一群戏子 把好好的中国男人搞垮了 ( 玉米爱大米 08-08-01 12:56:19 ) 97字 ( 0/6/0 )
A bunch of clowns,completely destroy China's manhood.
# 二十一世紀中國最缺乏的就是人材。挖空心思在拼湊形式, 形式不足用色綵彌補。 哪有功伕攷慮內涵。更何況与中華傳統斷絕多年 ( 何布同 08-08-01 12:13:36 ) 0字 ( 0/6/0 )
On this 21 century,China is extremely short of talents. Using up all the wits, just to stack up various shapes and forms;when shapes and forms have run out,simply use colors to patch up.Moral and culture is out of his realm.For too many years,he had cut himself out of Chung Hua tradition.
# 除了变态,他还懂得如何取悦洋人。 ( 油盐不进的四季豆 08-08-01 12:10:49 ) 0字 ( 0/7/0 )
Beside twisted mind,at least he still knows how to kiss foreginer's ass.
# 这届奥运,也许是我最厌恶的一届。这象个在崛起的大国吗?没有一点举重若轻的感觉 ( 笔铭非 08-08-01 12:07:54 ) 0字 ( 0/21/1 )
This olympic really disgusts me.Probably the most disgusted.Does it look anything like being the rise of a great nation?Not a single bit of easy going feeling.
# 为了些洋人来狂欢,弄得举国不安 ( 笔铭非 08-08-01 12:08:34 ) 0字 ( 0/5/1 )
Just because of some foreginers come over here to have a wild party,now the whole nation is disrupted and uneasy.
# 就算出点小乱子,又怕啥?汶川大地震,山摇地动,咱们都没怕 ( 笔铭非 08-08-01 12:09:54 ) 0字 ( 0/4/1 )
What is that the government really afraid of? A bit of hiccup here and there? What about Wen Chuen Big earth quake,no one showed any fear back then.
# 都是同样变态,所以,选对人了 ( 阿耨多罗三居士 08-08-01 12:07:17 ) 0字 ( 0/8/0 )
They are all of the same twisted mind,that's why,the correct one was picked.