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悄悄话 好友 信息 博客 搜索 回复 本主题下所有发言 第 547 楼
文章提交者:专治右粪 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
利玛窦(Matteo Ricci,1552年10月6日-1610年5月11日),意大利的耶稣会传教士,学者。1583年(明代万历年间)来到中国居住。其原名中文直译为玛提欧·利奇,利玛窦是他的中文名字,号西泰,又号清泰、西江。在中国颇受士大夫的敬重,尊称为“泰西儒士”。他是天主教在中国传教的开拓者之一,也是第一位阅读中国文学并对中国典籍进行钻研的西方学者。他除传播天主教教义外,还广交中国官员和社会名流,传播西方天文、数学、地理等科学技术知识。他的著述不仅对中西交流作出了重要贡献,对日本和朝鲜半岛上的国家认识西方文明也产生了重要影响。最后死于中国北京。
文章提交者:usa1789 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
编辑这个帖子 点击查看用户来源及管理,发帖IP:*.*.*.* *.*.*.* 2008-8-5 3:24:42
悄悄话 好友 信息 博客 搜索 回复 本主题下所有发言 第 550 楼
文章提交者:usa1789 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
编辑这个帖子 点击查看用户来源及管理,发帖IP:*.*.*.* *.*.*.* 2008-8-5 3:28:01
悄悄话 好友 信息 博客 搜索 回复 本主题下所有发言 第 551 楼
文章提交者:usa1789 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
编辑这个帖子 点击查看用户来源及管理,发帖IP:*.*.*.* *.*.*.* 2008-8-5 3:30:55
悄悄话 好友 信息 博客 搜索 回复 本主题下所有发言 第 552 楼
文章提交者:FiatLux 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
呵呵,以下是我从纽约BROOKYN COLLEGE, NYC 掉出来的英文翻译原文,请问楼猪的拉些所谓的“利玛窦中国札记” 是谁翻译,哪里得来的?
The art of printing was practiced in China at a date somewhat earlier than that assigned to the beginning to printing in Europe, which was about 1405. It is quite certain that the Chinese knew the art of printing at least five centuries ago, and some of them assert that printing was known to their people before the beginning of the Christian era, about 50 BCE Their method of printing differs widely from that employed in Europe, and our method would be quite impracticable for them because of the exceedingly large number of Chinese characters and symbols。
“Their method of making printed books is quite ingenious“
“ Chinese printers are so skilled in engraving these blocks, that no more time is consumed in making one of them than would be required by one of our printers in setting up a form of type and making the necessary corrections. This scheme of engraving wooden blocks is well adapted for the large and complex nature of the Chinese characters, but I do nor. think it would lend itself very aptly to our European type which could hardly be engraved upon wood because of its small dimensions.“
The art of printing was practiced in China at a date somewhat earlier than that assigned to the beginning to printing in Europe, which was about 1405. It is quite certain that the Chinese knew the art of printing at least five centuries ago, and some of them assert that printing was known to their people before the beginning of the Christian era, about 50 BCE Their method of printing differs widely from that employed in Europe, and our method would be quite impracticable for them because of the exceedingly large number of Chinese characters and symbols, At present they cut their charcters in a reverse position and in a simplified form, on a comparatively' small tablet made for the most part from the wood of the pear tree or the apple tree, although at times the wood of the jujube tree is also used for this purpose.
Their method of making printed books is quite ingenious. The text is written in ink, with a brush made of very fine hair, on a sheet of paper which is inverted and pasted on a wooden tablet. When the paper has become thoroughly dry, its surface is scraped off quickly and with great skill, until nothing but a fine tissue bearing the characters remains on the wooden tablet. Then, with a steel graver, the workman cuts away the surface following the outlines of the characters until these alone stand out in low relief. From such a block a skilled printer can make copies with incredible speed, turning out as many as fifteen hundred copies in a single day. Chinese printers are so skilled in engraving these blocks, that no more time is consumed in making one of them than would be required by one of our printers in setting up a form of type and making the necessary corrections. This scheme of engraving wooden blocks is well adapted for the large and complex nature of the Chinese characters, but I do nor. think it would lend itself very aptly to our European type which could hardly be engraved upon wood because of its small dimensions.
Their method of printing has one decided advantage, namely, that once these tablets are made, they can be preserved and used for making changes in the text as often as one wishes. Additions and subtractions can also be made as the tablets can be readily patched. Again, with this method, the printer and the author are not obliged to produce herc and now an excessively large edition of a book, but are able to print a book in smaller or larger lots sufficient to meet the demand at the time, We have derived great benefit from this method of Chinese printing, as v e employ the domestic help in our homes to strike off copies of the books on religious and scientific subjects which we translate into Chinese from the languages in which they were written originally, In truth, the whole method is so simple that one is tempted to try it for himself after once having watched the process. The simplicity of Chinese printing is what accounts for the exceedingly large numbers of books in circulation here and the ridiculously low prices at which they are sold. Such facts as these would scarcely be believed by one who had not witnessed them.
They have another odd method of reproducing reliefs which have been cut into marble or wood, An epitaph, for example, or a picture set out in low relief on marble or on wood, is covered with a piece of moist paper which in turn is overlayed with several pieces of cloth. Then the entire surface is beaten with a small mallet until all the lineaments of the relief are impressed upon the paper. When the. paper dries, ink or some other coloring substance is applied with a light touch, after which only the impression of the relief stands out on the original whiteness of the paper. This method cannot be employed when the relief is shallow; or trade in delicate lines.
翻译累了,不翻了,以下说他的全文,我在BROOKLYN COLLEGE 的网站上找到的。
http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/texts/ric-jour.html 对中国政府的描述
http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/core9/phalsall/texts/ric-prt.html 应刷书
几百年来,有许多近代学者对解读这些象形文字进行了尝试,其中值得一提的是17世纪的Athanasius Kircher。然而这些尝试不是失败,就是漫无边际的想象力的虚幻。对解读埃及象形文字最有成就的是托马斯·扬和让-弗朗索瓦·商博良,在1800年的初始。拿破仑军队远征埃及时,在罗塞塔城附近发现了一块用三种文字(圣书体、世俗体和古希腊文)写成的黑色玄武石碑,被称为“罗塞塔石碑”。这块石碑给解读带来了关键性的资料。商博良借助自己丰富的语言知识,从国王托勒密的名字入手,在1830年代几乎完全破译了埃及象形文字。这对当时诞生不久的埃及学来说是一个重大的进展。
文章提交者:人民网怦 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
文章提交者:长短句 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
编辑这个帖子 点击查看用户来源及管理,发帖IP:*.*.*.* *.*.*.* 2008-8-5 8:07:14
悄悄话 好友 信息 博客 搜索 回复 本主题下所有发言 第 564 楼
文章提交者:5418辛亥革命 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
文章提交者:5418辛亥革命 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
嘛中医 250 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
文章提交者:wcwc2 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net
别说穷明,被cctv捧上天的康 乾隆圣 世之北 京,在英国外交家的回忆录里也是个贫困不堪又
2008年8月4日 星期一
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