2008年8月22日 星期五

Ali baba on GVO 2

  1. Joyce Hor-Chung Lau, Hong Kong:

    No, it’s not a show. Nobody complains about faking in movies, pop concerts, etc., because you know it supposed to be made-up.
    Why are people upset? Because this was an official, international ceremony where Chinese officials and athletes took a vow not to cheat or lie. Obviously, nobody does that at the Oscars or in a Hollywood flick! The expectations are different.
    And, China had pinned all its hopes on this. I’ve never seen a country so emotional about a Games. All these people talking about this would finally prove to the world how developed China was, about a new generation of role models for Chinese youth — nobody talks about a Mandopop concert or action film that way.
    I just wrote a post about China’s PR problem. The world already suspects China of being less-than-honest, over whether it has faulty products, or censors its media, or toys with financial figures. This Olympics was one chance for China to prove to the world it could do something openly and honestly. So, while footsteps and one little girl are small deals, they signify something big. They give China critics a chance to say, “Ha. Typical.”

  2. MuLan:

    Why are you being a cheapskate? If you want to watch everything live, you should have bought that airplane ticket for China. Well too bad you watched it for free on TV, and you complained about advance technology and special effect? I thought you are coming from an advance technology advocate society? no?

ali baba:

Radio Germany interviewed Ai mo-mo,famous Beijing artist,who was the co-designer of Beijing’s Bird’s Nest.


Ai mo mo bombarded olympic ceremony,and said Zhang yi-moe is a man with no soul

So called direct telecast were being faked in many places,the real singer was another girl,the firework and foot-steps were computer animated.CCTV,being a TV station station doing direct telecast,colluded with olympic artistic planning group,bully and deceive the world,bully and deceive all the audience.


Usually,in China all the events are well planned in advance.The government’s long tested strategy and it’s political formula,resulting in :to cover up ,to conceal and to block all the things that seem undesirable,and end up achieving the most stupid and foolish result.

“张艺谋” 我觉得,他既不是媚俗,也不是媚权,他就是一个投机者,一个完全没有灵魂的人。完全不懂得什么叫是非,什么叫最基本的艺术职业工作者对艺术的尊重,和对人的基本品质、伦理道德的尊重。他崇尚权力,做着一些令人作呕的事情。

“On Zhang yi-moe”What I feel,he is neither bad taste,nor boot licking,he is a opportunist,a person completely without soul.Completely cannot tell right from wrong,a professional artist’s basic respect towards art,he has none,the respect towards human being’s fundamental quality,towards morals and human relationship,he has none.He worship authority and power,doing things that causing people to vomit.

  1. Joyce Hor-Chung Lau, Hong Kong:

    I’m enjoying the Olympics. I’m going to two events this week in Hong Kong. And my family and I are Chinese. But that doesn’t mean that nobody can criticize anything. Pointing out PR problems, fakery and issues doesn’t make someone “less Chinese” or “less understanding.” You can be Chinese in your heart, and still discuss problems. I loved the Opening Ceremonies, but I still admit that China did not handle the “fireworks” and “little girl” issues very well from a media/PR point of view.

    I’ve never posted comments on Global Voices Online, and I’m surprised at the anger, insults and lack of logic here. Did #41 mean to argue that a less pretty little girl would have been attached by protesters? I hardly think so. “Western Running dog?” In Hong Kong, we haven’t heard that sort of language used seriously for decades.

    By staging such an enormous Opening Ceremony, by making major deals with overseas TV stations, China WANTED the world to pay attention to it. Inevitably, there would be both positive and negative reaction — that’s just the way the world works.

    No, people are not nitpicking just because it’s China. Americans criticize America all the time. God knows the Brits love criticizing England. But at least in most places, people can do it without being shouted down or censored.

  2. ali baba:


    Chan pueo-kung:It’s CCP’s olympic,not chinese people’s olympic

    On the night of olympic openning ceremony,Beijing main streets were strangely in deep silence,in absolute contrast to the fanatic atmosphere of carnival inside the Bird’s Nest.When olympic were held in other nations,the staging cities were full of people,noisy and strong emotion,and near crazy celebration.Beijing?Wow,the police and the military had set up 4 lines of blockade,and kept ordinary folks outsde.Beijing has become unapproachable.

    京奥开幕前夕,媒体曾报道有民众在北京”漏夜排队”、”抢购奥运门票”。北京居民披露:所谓”漏夜排队”,不过是当局筛选和安排的人马,都是”群众演员 ”,没有门路的普通民众,都被警方”巧妙地”排除在队列之外。有道是:没有军队和警察,中共一天也活不下去。如今,又可谓:没有演员和道具,中共一天也活 不下去。

    On the eve of olympic opening ceremony,media had reported that folks in Beijing formed “long line of overnight queue” “rushing to buy up olympic tickets”.Beijing folks revealed:So called “long line of overnight queue”,nothing but those actors picked and arranged by the government,the real folks were “cleverly”kept out of the queue.Some one had said:CCP cannot last one day without military and police.Today,it can be said,CCP cannot last one day without actors and props.


    Official had declared:7 millions plus of tickets all sold,well,when the game actually started,all the venues have massive numbers of empty seats!Looking at these amazing and strange scenes,everybody will understand:In order to have a so called” safe “olympic,it is better to let 50% of the seats empty!To compare with the previous Athens Olympic’s 94% filled seats,Beijing Olympic,had made another olympic record:the record of empty seats!

    Beijing olimpic opening ceremony,is the whole reflection of CHINA’s problems:empty and fake,corruption,dictatorship.Ugly gossips everywhere,losing face in front of outsiders.No wonder,even the original designer of Bird’s Nest Ai wei-wei(son of red poet Ai Chin) refused to attend the opening ceremony,reasons?CCP rules China near 60 years,China remains a absolute authority state,he is ashamed to be an associate of CCP.

ali baba:


To Mulan:Above link is 强國論坛,I quite often go there and read comments.Tianya.cn and kdnet BBS are also my favorites.To tell you the truth,on these three major mainland Chinese forums,majority of the netizens that post regularly are much more mature then you are.

Below are a few of their comments.Let me remind you that these are the left over after the chinese censorship.If ever Chinese CCP stop its censorship,I believe the content will be much more colorful.

犯了老谋子的一贯毛病,只见场面、华丽色彩,没有内涵和精神! ( 李晓明 2008-08-08 22:13:27 ) 0字 ( 1/26/1 )

Old Mo is up to his old tricks again,only looks good outside,shiny and bright color,no inner capacity and spirit!

12781. 這個是敗筆。 ( 中國吉祥 2008-08-08 22:13:22 ) 0字 ( 0/2/0 )

This is a failure.

12782. 开幕式印象:1,声光色用到极限,场面很花哨;2,开幕式节目不感动人,犹如喝了一杯馊茶水;3,张艺谋太没有文化了! ( 222.212.108 2008-08-08 22:13:21 ) 0字 ( 0/374/0 )

Opening ceremony impression:(1) Sound,light,color are being used to the extreme,only looks flowerly and trendy.(2)Opening ceremony programs do not make people feel anything at all,fell like just drank a cup of stale tea.(3)Zhang yi-mo is absolutely lack of culture.
Mulan,empty talk,cursing,yelling,will not convince anyone at all.

  1. ali baba:

    To chan,
    Lets be fair,”there is freedom of speech in China”.Yes,I totally agree with you.
    But,how free?free to what extent?
    Westerner has the freedom to vote against the ruling government,and kick them out of the office.It is called one man one vote.
    1.3 billion Chinese?
    Let me cut n paste another comment from people.com

    伟大的美国队一入场,满堂喝彩、掌声雷动,整个鸟巢都沸腾啦!中国人民永远的朋友、永远的兄弟,美国人来啦!真正是中美团结如一人,试看天下谁能敌? ( 把弄国粹30 2008-08-08 22:30:10 ) 12字 ( 0/113/2 )

    As soon as the Great team of USA enters,the whole stadium cheer,thunderous clapping and applauses,the whole stadium is boiling !Here come the Americans,Chinese people’s friends forever,brothers forever!The truth is,when China and USA stand together in solidarity,no one would dare to be our enemy under the sky!
    12528. 美国万岁! ( 红色资本家 2008-08-08 22:30:10 ) 0字 ( 0/15/0 )


    Mulan ,so_damn_lame and all the other so called “I love China” bloggers here at GVO,may be you guys got it all wrong? Netizens at the official Chinese Communist Party are cheering Long Live USA,and you guys here are doing the opposite.

  2. MuLan:

    ali bab(a)(y),

    I do NOT think there’s anything wrong the Chinese cheered for USA, sport is sport, and they are being great sports. You put your hate aside, and you cheer for whatever team of sport you love. I love sports myself, and I do not see colors when it comes to sport. When unfair and nonsense allegations and accusations is done to CHINA, it’s my duty as a Chinese to speak out for her.

    I can bash China however I want, because I am Chinese, but you can not. That’s just life, deal with it!

  3. ali baba:

    Quote:”I can bash China however I want, because I am Chinese, but you can not. That’s just life, deal with it!”Unquote.

    To reply you,I can only say you are a complete lier,and a complete loser too.
    Yes,you can bash China,only because you post your comment here at GVO,only because you live in the west.Try go to live inside China and go to Tianya.cn or kdnet.cn,and post your “bash China”comments,you will find out it is no longer fun.In very short time,the “Great Motherland” People’s Liberation Army will knock on your front and back door and “liberate” you.
    Stop being childish and hypocrite,all you Wo Mao Dang.
    “Sport is sport”?
    Sport is not sport,you miserable little lier!
    Now listen to your big Daddy Communist big bosses,at the big communist official web site:www.people.com.cn,where big brother Hu jin-tao often go online,on this big night of lavish cerebration of the Great Motherland’s debut onto World Stage:
    向伟大的美利坚合众国致敬! ( 中华是我亲爱的家 2008-08-08 22:30:15 ) 0字 ( 0/51/0 )
    Salute to the United States of America!

    夜色中,空军一号威严的黑蓝色变幻的高高的机头,比过整个开幕式。 ( 星逝夜潭 2008-08-08 22:37:27 ) 0字 ( 0/184/0 )

    In the darkness of the night,the solemn and powerful profile of Air Force One,its dark blue color changes kaleidoscopically,has outdone the entire opening ceremony.

    鸟巢,就是民意的真正体现:美国队一入场,全场中国观众自觉或不自觉站立鼓掌、欢呼,一霎那,发自心底的欢欣响彻整个鸟巢 ( 把弄国粹30 2008-08-08 22:42:51 ) 59字 ( 0/145/5

    Bird Nest,is the true expression of public opinion:As soon as the USA team enter,ALL the Chinese audience stand up clapping,cheering,on that single moment,the whole Bird Nest is filled with cheering from the bottom of the hearts.

    Mulan,has all these comments ever has a single “sport” inside?

    Time to learn how to “love America” from now on,Mulan,don’t make your big Brother at Beijing angry.

ali baba:


Zhang yi-mou is both a boot licker and a lier.He spent billions of Chinese money to create an illusion,telling the world that this Mother Land is stepping into the most glorious chapter in her history.But Zhang yi-mou is no David Copperfield.Far from it.
(1)Zhang used paper invention and block printng as proof of Chinese cultural supremacy,and paraded it in front of the world,and succeded in creating yet another cresendo of ultra Chinese nationalism.
But wait,Chinese of the world,has forgoton to ask themselves one simple question:What have we done after so many years?Have we contribute anything towards humanity,after these inventions of paper,block printing,gun powder and compass?Thousands of years had passed since!
(2)Zhang yi-mou get massive numbers of actors,dressed as ancient Han scholars,chanting Confucius teaching.That is fine.Very culture.Very Zhang yi-mou.
But sadly,Zhang yi-mou completely misinterpreted Confucius teaching.Because he had not received classical Confucius teaching when he was young,and did not learn any Confucius teaching ever since.

子以四教:文、行、忠、信(translate:4 basic Confucius teachings)

(a)文:Culture,which Zhange understand very little.The fact that the whole of the opening ceremony was concentrating only on CHINESE is very obvious that he is ignoring the other 3/4 of humanity,because he had forgotten that OLYMPIC belongs to the world.
(b)行:Deeds.His movies “Hero” says it all,because he worships Power,Violence,Salvage,Killings.All these characters have got nothing to do with Confucius.
(c) 忠: Loyalty.On this one he may have scored a point;at least he is very loyal to his BOSS.
(d)信:Trust.His score is ZERO.After these fake singing,fake fireworks,would anyone trust him anymore?

ali baba:


Wei:Olympic is about sports,and sports is about a single person’s personal achievement.
Muhammad Ali,lit the Olympic torch at 1996 Atlanta Olympic.He was suffering from parkingson disease,his body was trembling and hardly could walk.No matter,he received a standing ovation and all round appluse.That had got nothing to do with Culture,and all to do with Muhammad Ali’s personal achievement.Muhammad Ali,a muslim,was known as Cassius Clay,was regarded as a Hero,a great sports person loved by the world.When Ali was punching white opponents with his “Float like a butterfly,sting like a bee” tactic,the blacks,brown,yellow,and of course Muslims,all love him,and regarded him as their hero,fighting the Whites for them.
Ali was given a replacement gold medal,because he had thrown his 1960 gold medal into the Ohio river after being refused service at a ‘whites-only’ restaurant.
Zhang yi-mou do not know what is “spirit of sports”,because Communist China’s sports program is different to the rest of the world.Communist China select children at primary schools and put them through concentration camp style training,while western people take up sports because they themselves love it,no one force them to do so.And if they fail to get a medal,they still have a job to go to,because they received normal education at the same time.
Yes,Chinese have Li ning,Yeo Ming,great.
But what about those children,those 2nd rate,3 rd rate,4,5,6,rate sports persons,who were put through high power,intensive sports only training,who have missed out on a normal education as a child,who cannot find a job because nobody wants them.
You have one Li Ning,but you produce tens of thousands of non-Li Ning,who could not find another job,because they cannot do nothing else beside jumping up and down.
Has the society care for them?Has Zhang Yi-mou mention them at all?
Chinese build billion dollars sports stadiums,fine,they have the cash,why not?
But what about schools at rural areas?Do they have normal sports facilities for the children?Or put it this way,do they have normal classrooms at all?I hope people have not forgotten the Tofu school buildings in Sichuen earth quake.After all it happened in 20-May,only 3 months ago.

ali baba:


Chan:I admit I do not know much about Confucius teaching,I am still learning.
Put it this way,all the schools in South Korea,Japan,Taiwan,and nearly all the schools in South East Asia have basic Confucius teaching,namely 忠,孝,仁,爱,礼,義,廉,耻.
Do the education department of China’s school curriculum include this very basic of Confucius teaching?
When the Communist Chinese schools refuse to give Confucius teaching to students,and yet Zhang yi-mou is parading Confucius to the whole world in the opening ceremony,isn’t it a joke of the century?

ali baba:


Are you Chinese?Do you have a Chinese name?
If you are Chinese,and have a Chinese name,well,(1)If US of A did not send 飛虎隊(Flying Tiger) to China during 2nd world war, (2)If US of A did not drop the 2 A-bombs on Japan,I am quite sure today your name might be Hadamato,or sukiyaki,or something similar.

Think of it,Wei Chin Chong Chinaman,飲水思源,when you are drinking water,never forget who dug the well.
Sorry about the ChinChong bit,no foul meaning.

  1. ali baba:

    More comments from http://www.people.com.cn,

    今夜,璀璨地烟花为【美利坚】绽放!老夫看到【美国代表团】入场,情不自禁地高呼【美国万岁,万万岁】! ( 【右】宗 2008-08-08 22:36:49 ) 0字 ( 0/79/2 )
    Tonight,these bright and colorful fireworks shines for the US of A!When I saw the enter of “Team of USA”,I can’t help myself but yelling:”Love live USA,many many thousands of years to USA”!

    反美,不论国家还是个人,基本都不是好东西! ( 亘古4444 2008-08-08 22:45:26 ) 0字 ( 0/4/0 )
    Anti USA,either state or individual,basically are a bunch of shits!

    Wei:and all your “Love China” “Hate USA” little clowns.
    China has 200 millions netizens,and increasing by the hours.And with so many free “jump net” software around,the Great Fire Wall can have many holes.When 200 millions netizens,plus many more millions of their friends and families have found out that,majority of the world support one-man-one-vote system,and majority of the world” Love Peace,Not War”,there is no turning back.
    Don’t forget,Mr.Hu jin-tao said he pay regular visits to 强阈,may be all you Wo Mao should do so too,just to find out what Brother No One likes or does not like to hear?
    Its never too late to change your colors,Brothers.

  2. ali baba:

    Wei,To answer your 82 comment”BTW, why did you change the topic of discussion? ;)”
    I was talking about 忠 義.It was still the same topic.
    During WW 2,US of A supported China,中华民國,by sending fighter pilots to form 飛虎隊,to claim back air space control from the Japanese invaders.Do you know how many young Americans died inside China?
    To break the Japanese blockade,USA started 駝峰航线 (The Hump Air Lift),and do you know how many tons of ammunitions and medicines being air-lifted into China?Do you know how many military cargo planes had crashed onto the mountains of Himalaya,to form the so called Aluminium Valley?That was 1943-1944.
    And at 1953,Mao Tse-Tung jump onto Josep Stalin’s war wagon,send in millions of Chinese troops to help Kim Number One to fight the US of A,and all the other UN led forces.
    To me,that is pure 不忠不義,is to be condemned in the book of history,for thousands of coming generations to read.
    Wei,even dogs do not bite the feeding hand.

ali baba:

Wei,fake nationalist,fake “I love China”,
Who were,and still are,中华民族”=汉族 Han’s historical enemies?Those barbarians,Mongols,Manchus,Tartars,nomads,all those people from the North,from Russia,my “I love China” friends.
Why all those emperors chose to built Great Wall where it is?Because historical invaders came from the North,not the south,not from the sea.
Did you know near the end of the Song Dynasty,Han population was reduced bu Kublai Khan down to a mear 2 millions?
Did you know the Manchu emperors using mass killings and 文字獄 ,succeeded in turning majority of Han into obedient 奴才(itself a Manchu word)?
The West,sending its Christian missionaries to China,spreading the words of God,advocating humans love towards God,and towards each others.Is there anything wrong with that?
Today Chinese Communist Government is arresting Christians,stopping Chinese to love God,is exactly the same like those Roman emperors burning those early Christians alive.
We all know that the Roman Empire didn’t last long.

If you are ignorant about 文字獄 or 奴才,try google,or baidu,it might help to improve a bit of your shallow understanding of Han history.
