2008年8月2日 星期六

强国论坛 北京奥运与全球互联网 中华民族复兴的助推剂

Sometimes between 30-July and 1-August,the great China fire wall has opened a small window,Chinese netizens are given access to BBC(mandarin),www.rfa.org/mandarin,wikipedia,etc.
Followings are some of the posts on Strong Nation Forum at www.people.com.cn,a CCP official web site.

反动 :translate (1)senile-minded (2)reactionary.For readers not familiar with CCP terminology,反动 was used extensively in the past on anyone or anything the CCP disliked.Once 反动 was applied,heavy penalty usually followed,sometimes death penalty.

On here my prefered choice is senile-minded.

对于反动网站或不反动网站,其实没有根本的界限.只要报道属实.反之,若不属实,任你的谎言说得再好,人民也当你放屁. ( 官人我还要6次 08-08-01 21:58:38 ) 0字 ( 0/168/0 )

About senile-minded or not senile-minded web sites,there isn't any basic line of division.All we want is those reportings are factual.On the contrary,if the reportings are non-factual,no matter how beautiful your lies are,folks will just treat them like farts.

. 解网天也塌不下来。 ( 天下公平 08-08-01 21:54:22 ) 0字 ( 0/21/1 )
The sky will not fall down once the internet is opened.

# 反动的就是新鲜一阵。只要真正把工作落实,老百姓明白了也能体谅,那些就逐渐失去市场了。 ( 晨风露 08-08-01 21:57:35 ) 0字 ( 0/8/0 )

Senile-minded thing's freshness is only momentarily.As long as we do our jobs well,ordinary folks understand,and appreciate,they will lose their appeals.

. 老夫强烈建议,封闭反动网站,这不是在乱我大清朝纲吗? ( 绿林好人 08-08-01 21:47:22 ) 0字 ( 0/70/1 )

I strongly propose,block out all those senile-minded web sites,it is disrupting our Manchu Dynasty's imperial rule!

看BBC或上BBC中文网,真是一种美的享受啊,人家也没那些无聊的寿桃 ( 我这块牛粪最大4k 08-08-01 21:46:37 ) 0字 ( 0/140/1 )

Look at BBC or BBC(mandarin),really enjoy it's beauty,at least they don't have those boring female bodies.

# 大牛粪已经彻底做了资产阶级的俘虏,哈哈 ( 傀儡的主人o 08-08-01 21:49:13 ) 0字 ( 0/10/0 )

Big cow excrement has absolutely become the prisoner-of-war of the capitalists,HAHA.

老夫断言,奥运后那些反动网站统统要封闭!当然了,上反动网站的网友不定要腔毙! ( 绿林好人 08-08-01 21:44:18 ) 0字 ( 0/68/1 )
# 反动的需要封吗?知道反动的就没有市场了。全放也无所谓 ( 晨风露 08-08-01 21:46:21 ) 0字 ( 0/1/0 )

I swear,after olympic,all those senile-minded web sites will be blocked off! Of course,those who have visited seniled-minded web sites may be executed by firing squads!

1. 罗格帮大陆同胞推开了封闭的大门.国人看到不一样的声音. ( 一襟晚照 08-08-01 21:42:02 ) 0字 ( 0/51/0 )

Rogue(IOC chairman) helps mainland folks open the closed door,lets us citizens see and listen to different voices.

为何人们觉得FD网站说真话,CCTV说假话? ( 马虎PK2 08-08-01 21:41:44 ) 0字 ( 0/95/3 )

Why people think foreign web sites are telling the truth,CCTV telling lies?

# 假话说上千百变也就成了真话。 ( 东南剑侠傲神州 08-08-01 21:48:36 ) 59字 ( 0/5/0 )

Lies if been repeated ten of thousands of times will become the truth.

. 其实早就应当解封,那些网站都有电台做支撑,封网根本就无效,一个短波收音机就啥都听了,封人家网岂不是掩耳盗铃? ( 依旧桃 08-08-01 21:36:55 ) 0字 ( 0/32/1 )

The fact is it should have been done long time ago,those web sites are all supported by short wave radio stations,it is basically useless to block the net,just a short wave radio one can listen to whatever you desire,to block others net is just like wearing ear-muff while stealing ringing bells ?
# 甚么“根本无效”?封些总少些嘛!再说现在听话匣子的人也少了。 ( 山妖 08-08-01 21:49:20 ) 0字 ( 0/0/0 )

What "basically useless" ?To block a bit is better than no block at all!Afterall not many people still listen to short wave anymore.

必必西太反动了,居然开了个中文网页,而且能查到以前的新闻!!让人看不下去,把咱们惹火了,还封了它!!! ( 五讲四美三热爱 08-08-01 21:36:13 ) 18字 ( 0/66/1 )

BBC is really too much,even open a mandarin web page,and all the previous news are there to be seen!I can't take it anymore,once it upset us(read government),it will be blocked again!!!

# 你申办时候承诺要言论自由的. ( 一襟晚照 08-08-01 21:38:13 ) 0字 ( 0/8/0 )

In your application for the olympic you did promise freedom of speech.

238. 自从奥运火炬在国外遇阻后,海外网站就一直不好上了。 ( 余le25 08-08-01 21:35:37 ) 0字 ( 0/20/2 )

Ever since the olympic torch relay had troubles overseas,the foreign web sites were usually blocked.

# 用代理服务器看看 ( 60.20.43 08-08-01 21:51:37 ) 0字 ( 0/3/0 )

Try virtual server and have a look

239. 反动网站不是洪水猛兽嘛,上面那些反动信息,老夫拿来也是要分析一下的,不过受习惯影响,也总是反着来理解. ( 绿林好人 08-08-01 21:35:24 ) 0字 ( 0/20/0 )

Senile-minded web sites are no flood or wild beasts,all those reactionary messages,I usually analyze them first,but due to old habit,I end up reaching the conclusion at the opposite end of whatever they say.

强烈反对将自由亚洲电台的网站放出啦,矜持了这么多年,这下可全完了。。。哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。 ( 自卑的一美元 08-08-01 21:32:08 ) 0字 ( 0/98/2 )

Strongly oppose the release of Radio Free Asia's web site,so many years of pretending,it is all gone and finished....HAHAHAHAHAHA...

# 真放开了,惊叹 ( 零部件1 08-08-01 21:44:01 ) 0字 ( 0/6/1 )

Is it for real,what a supprise

258. 北京奥运与全球互联网 中华民族复兴的助推剂 ( 黄晨灏 08-08-01 21:32:01 ) 1769字 ( 0/13/0 )

Beijing olympic and global internet,Chung Hua nation revival helping force

. 休渔的时间结束了 大家出海吧 ( 道德人生 08-08-01 21:31:55 ) 14字 ( 0/13/0 )

The fishing embargo has ended,lets all go to the sea

262. 大家不用代理能进反动网站了? ( 庄生&精卫 08-08-01 21:31:48 ) 0字 ( 0/54/3 )

Is it true we can enter senile-minded web sites without using virtual server?

# 谈不上反动(因为这些网站中也有夸奖我朝的文章),最多算异化吧 ( 老灰猫 08-08-01 21:34:38 ) 0字 ( 0/8/0 )

There is nothing reactionary about(those web sites also have articles praising our dynasty),at most it's a bit exotic.

# 是啊,昨天就能进了,是不是你被和谐了?? ( 打了一针强心剂来上网 08-08-01 21:32:45 ) 0字 ( 0/0/0 )

Yes,can enter since yesterday,are you being harmonized?

BBC今晚是这样说的:国际媒体向罗格反应,他很生气,才会有今天万网齐开的局面 ( 我这块牛粪最大4k 08-08-01 21:26:51 ) 0字 ( 0/72/1 )

BBC announced tonight:International media reveal to Rogue(IOC chairman),he was very angry,resulting in today's open internet.

大哥,有人把自由亚洲之类的网站都放出来了,太可怕了!咱们一定要保护不明真相的群众,可不能中了它们的毒呀! ( 五讲四美三热爱 08-08-01 21:21:19 ) 9字 ( 0/93/2 )

Big Brother,someone has released web sites such as Radio Free Asia,it is terrible! We must protect those mass who never know what is the truth,cannot let them be poisoned by Radio Free Asia !

# 全方也不怕。真金难道还怕火来炼吗?只要立足人民,真诚为人民解决好遇到的各种困难,有人民支持,全方也是不怕的 ( 晨风露 08-08-01 21:27:23 ) 0字 ( 0/2/0 )

Complete open of the internet,is nothing to be scared of.Has real gold ever afraid of fire? As long as we are on the people's side,truly and honestly solve all those problems faced by them,with the people's support,complete open of internet is nothing to be afraid of.

. 听说自由亚洲电台网站解封了, 刚试了一下,果然可以上了, 感觉太阳从西边出来了啊 ( 广州家伙 08-08-01 21:06:59 ) 0字 ( 0/265/1 )

I have heard Radio Free Asia was unblocked,just now I give it a try,indeed,I have succeeded to do so,feeling the sun have risen from the West,YA.....

# 文哥网也解封了?哈哈哈。。。。。。。。。。 ( 好兵衰客 08-08-01 21:09:41 ) 0字 ( 0/29/0 )

Even web site on Cultural Revolution has been unblocked? HAHAHA..........

开放反动网站,说明了中国领导人的自信。小左再也蒙蔽不了国人了。 ( 把大小非赶出A股 08-08-01 21:05:33 ) 0字 ( 0/98/3 )

The open up of the seniled-minded web sites,has clearly shown the self confidence of the Chinese leaders.Those little leftists can no longer keep us in the dark.

# 你是说有人不自信?哈哈哈 ( 龙哥0167 08-08-01 21:09:36 ) 0字 ( 0/3/0

Are you saying someone is lack of self confidence?

# 你不用代理能进什么敏感网站?擦鞋也要摆事实。 ( 【庄生】 08-08-01 21:08:47 ) 0字 ( 0/8/1 )

Without virtual server how can you go to any sensitive web sites?To lick boots you still need to present facts.

# 天啊,你太孤陋寡闻了,国家专门开放了三个反动网站。 ( 把大小非赶出A股 08-08-01 21:14:52 ) 0字 ( 0/23/0 )

Oh my heaven,you really are too isolated and ignorant,the state has specially opened up 3 seniled-minded web sites.

国际特赦组织的网站也解禁了,看来羊大人是厉害啊,羊大人的批评得罪不起(删?我有说错吗?为什么国人的批评可以无视而羊人的批评就这么快改正了?) ( 普通百姓有话要说 08-08-01 21:03:32 ) 0字 ( 0/55/0 )

Amnesty International's web site was also unblocked,looks like foregin daddy is all mighty,foreign daddy's criticism no one dare to disobey(delete? Have I said anything wrong?Why our own folk's criticism can be ignored,whereas foreigner's criticism is fast being taken up and things got rectified real fast?)

同一个世界,同一个梦想,为什么不对中华民族也开放一下封锁了的网络呢? ( 鲁迅二代 08-08-01 20:56:57 ) 0字 ( 0/34/0 )

Same world,Same dream,why can't Chung Hua nation has a opened internet?

这么多外国媒体挑剔北京,这是好事有则改之无则加勉,若没人挑剔说明没人当回事。中国媒体也应与时俱进,少些大惊小怪。 ( smxking 08-08-01 20:40:59 ) 0字 ( 0/38/3 )

So many foreign media picking on Beijing,it is a good thing,if really there is something wrong,we will rectify it,if nothing wrong,we are still happy,if no one ever pick on you,just shows that you are worthless to be even looked at.It is time for Chinese media to advance with time,instead of pussy-foot around.

# 舆论监督难道也要搞崇洋媚外吗?为什么国人的批评可以无视而羊人的批评就立马改正了呢? ( 普通百姓有话要说 08-08-01 20:47:03 ) 0字 ( 0/19/2 )

Is media supervision from foreigners more valuable and important than supervision from our own self?
Why is it that our own folk's criticism can be ignored,whereas foreigner's criticisms are being rectified on the spot?

# 你说得对,情况确实如此. ( 廉彤 08-08-01 20:50:21 ) 0字 ( 0/0/0 )

What you said is correct,situation is in fact agrees wtih tou have said.

维基百科里面为什么其他都能搜索,陆4就不行?一搜索就被屏蔽?行得正难道还怕人说? ( 普通百姓有话要说 08-08-01 16:41:11 ) 0字 ( 0/29/2 )

why is it that anything can be searched in Wikipedia,but not 4-June?Why 4-June still been blocked?If you did not do anything wrong,why so scared of others talking?
