2008年8月2日 星期六



作者:避而改词 提交日期:2008-7-15 9:37:00    
Blog on Tianya.cn discuss olympic and "sicked man of Asia" 

  那是七八年前的一个春天,我去丽江玩,在玉龙雪山的山腰,我们一行人租了几匹马骑。给我牵马的是一个小孩,很瘦小,“黑色”,才七八岁的样子。路上我和他攀谈,才惊诧他原来已经十五岁了。要在秦朝,这年龄就得扛着戈上战场。我好一阵震惊,问他可在念书。他说没钱念,可是很想念。我默然,因为那时我自己也是个穷鬼学生,帮不了他,除了付帐时多给他几十块,做不了什么。我问起他们以什么为主食,被告知是红薯。我道:“总不可能每顿红薯吧。”他说:“想得美,就算每顿吃红薯也不可能呢,山上寒冷,红薯产量极低,如果每顿能吃饱红薯,也心满意足了。”“也不是家家都这样的,我们村干部就还可以,他们家还有彩电呢。 ”见我惊诧,他补充了一句。
It was Spring time,about 7 or 8 years ago,I went to Li Jiang to spend my holidays,at the half way up the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain,we hire a few horses to ride.The little boy that lead my horse was thin and small,with dark skin,looks like 7 or 8 years old.On the way we started talking,was surprised to know that he was already 15.In Chin dynasty,at this age,he would have been marching towards battle field with spear on his shoulder.Being shocked,I asked him was he studying.He said he would like to,but had no money.I fell into silence,because being a poor student myself,couldn't help much,beside gave him extra 50 60 yuan when paying the bill,can't do much.I asked what was the main diet,the answer was sweet potato.I thought: "Every meal sweet potato?A bit impossible."He replyed:"You must be dreaming,even if we like to have sweet potato for every meal,there was just not enough sweet potato to go around,because of the mountain's cold weather,the sweet potato production is very low,we would be happy and satisfied if there is plenty of sweet potato to fill the tummy at every meal."
At half way resting time,I saw another little boy stood beside him,even shorter than him by a few inches,looked like 6 years old.I asked; "How old are you?"He replied: "14". I feel terrible.We were charged 50 yuan for each horse we hired,but this little boy said,even though his family own the horse,at the end he only get 10 yuan,the other 40 yuan goes toward the village's authority,called managment charges. 
At the end,slowly,I no longer feel surprised,China is just like that,in the middle of the mountain,our fellow countrymen are weak from hunger and with only rags on their bodies,we joyfully declare,we no longe are "sicked man of Asia",instead,we are a powerful nation of sports;In front of television sets,our students in towns and cities,howling for the nation to "Out Of Asia",the mountain people,can only chew cold sweet potato under oil lamp;when we smash television sets because of losing soccer match,the mountain people don't even know what is soccer nor television;when massive taxpayers's money is pumped into sustaining this so called powerful sporting nation's bubble,these people,their voice being taken away at birth,at th same time,lost the right of education,because they have no money to pay the fees.    
Because of this incidence,my conclusion is,China remains "Sicked Man Of Asia",moreover,this title will stay for a long time,just to nurture and produce a numbers of "macho man",like they did at the "Great Leap Forward",will not help.

作者:李信吾 回复日期:2008-7-15 9:56:14 


Netizen 1 reply:
Very good!
In fact,Chinese is all about inferior complex,deep and profound,the more the feeling of inferiority,the stronger the desire of being accepted and recognized by outsiders,on the surface,Chinese are especially self-important and self-inflat,do not accepy criticism and different opinions,infact it is the "Spirit Of Ah Q",psycho sickness,this sickness is also reflected on sports,the feverish worshipping towards gold medals,and complete ignoring of all others.

作者:墨手 回复日期:2008-7-15 10:12:48 


作者:att100 回复日期:2008-7-15 10:13:36 


Netizen 2 reply:
We TMD still are sleeping lions,and do not know so many years,has slept enough or not

Netizen 3 reply:
For this fake glory,pretain to be fanatic but painfully squeezd among the crowd pretain to be happy.
HAHA,in fact every one is pretain to be happy.

作者:aigyvfym 回复日期:2008-7-15 11:10:31 

  奥运金牌全拿了也是病夫一大片(精神上的 身体上的)

作者:无雨天霜 回复日期:2008-7-15 11:12:26 


Netizen 4 reply:
Lets say we get all the gold medals,still have massive numbers of "Sicked Man",both in spritual and physical sense.
To use the whole country's resourses,to nurture a few gold medals.
Got nothing to do with us common folks.

Netizen 5 replay:
Well,is there anything CHINA does, not about window dressing?
The root of evil was planted in Mao tse-tung era,when common folks were starved to death,yet massive amount of cash and resourses were shipped to Africa.
This kind of practise is deep in the bone mellow,is everywhere,to reverse it,there is only one way...............
